• February 2, 2020



480 319 LMTLSS
  1. REST – Independent of age, when looking to make progress in the gym, ensuring you are getting adequate rest is imperative. The margin for error decreases with age, given the body is no longer capable of producing in the amounts it was once able, the hormones that render the body better able to manage stress. That is not to say you cannot train as often, you may be able to, I am however suggesting you cannot train as hard, as often.


  1. SWAP SALT FOR SALSA – Decrease salt and increase your salsa. High blood pressure, which can lead to strokes and a significant decline in cognitive function, is a common repercussion of getting older. As we age, our sense of taste also fades, leading to a desire for more salt on food to enhance flavor. Decreasing your salt intake by opting for a condiment far lower in sodium like salsa will reduce the likelihood of issues regarding blood pressure.


  1. EAT YOUR AGE – Your metabolism decreases with age, by about 10% from your 30’s to your 60’s, and a further 10% from your 60’s forward. This means you are no longer able to eat food in the quantities you are accustomed and expect to look no different. If not interested in eating less, burn more. If not interested in burning more, eat less.