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5 ways to increase your metabolic rate.

5 ways to increase your metabolic rate   It is no secret that in the general world of fitness, everyone is looking for the secret to easy weight loss. Some try detox tea’s, some try excluding certain macronutrients from their diet for extended periods of time, some even go as far as starving themselves, but…

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5 ways to reduce DOMS

5 ways to reduce delayed on-set muscle soreness (DOMS)   Have you ever woken the day after a strenuous leg workout, stood up, and almost immediately collapsed due to the immense pain in your lower extremities? Or have you ever gone to put on the seat belt in your car on the day proceeding a…

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What are sugar alcohols and how can I account for them?

What are sugar alcohols and how to account for them?   If you’ve ever eaten a protein bar or anything else that contained a sugar alternative to sweeten the taste of the food, you’ve no doubt at some point turned over to the back of the packet and looked at the nutrition panel, and noticed…

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Why reverse diet?

REVERSE DIETING So, you have spent the last 16 weeks, or however long you have been dieting for, segmentally decreasing your caloric intake, week by week, with the goal of maintaining muscle mass and dropping your body fat percentage. You have either achieved the composition orientated goal you desire or have reached the point with…

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Understanding Insulin

THE SWEET TRUTH… Excluding immune and digestive function, the next most influential factor with reference to encouraging the bodies composition to change as intended is insulin or more specifically, the bodies sensitivity to insulin. Carbs and insulin can be a double-edged sword. Insulin is the most anabolic, anti-catabolic hormone in the body. Insulin improves amino…

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The Science of Cheat Meals

The Science of “Cheat Meals” Understanding leptin and the utilisation of strategically implementing higher calorie days whilst dieting. Leptin is a hormone released from fat tissue that plays a key role in regulating appetite and feelings of satiety. While leptin has many functions in the body, the main function is to control or regulate fat-cell…